Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Truffle and Dexter united 2012

Truffle and Dexter got to meet up once again with the owner who adopted our guinea pig dexter.

Truffle and Dexter were paired up when Dexter was a baby it was a few months after the passing of my other pig Tommy and we wanted truffle to have a cage mate.
Truffle gotten ill had a UTI, URI, and Bladder stones so we had no time for a fourth pig and had to rehome dexter it was a hard decision but the right thing to do Dexter now lives with a great owner she had his balls cut off so he has several girlfriends and gets unlimited hay.

Truffle and Dexter love each other still:) It was very fun to see the owner of Dexter and her collection of Guinea pigs she had this really cute couple James and Spencer they were two boys who looked like a perfect gay couple I miss them I thought about trading Truffle for those two pigs ha ha just kidding!

Also she ordered pizza for everyone and told us some really good stories after we visited she sent us home with clean mama hay and some bed nursing that is pee proof for the guinea pigs to play on in our apartment no more accidents on our carpet.

Like I care I hate our carpet>:(

Anyways here is photos of Truffle and Dexter:)

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