Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Friday in 2011

Today turned out to be good

Anne my boss made me a salad and brought it over after my shift it was a spinach salad with grapes, green apple's, cherry's goat cheese etc it was yummy and healthy then I had a slice of pizza she gets free all the time cause the owner of a pizza place adopted a dog from her and he brings the dog over to visit her and play with the other dogs.

After the hotel I went out to Union Square got 4gb disk drive on sale for $5.99
to back up some of the photos on this computer that are slowing it down :(

I took the L to Graham avenue and went to El Burrito cheap Cali style Mexican food
got Got rice and beans with sour cream and a ginger ale $4.07 and had it served in a glass bowl :)

Came home did some dish's went out to Blockbuster got some movies and popcorn
ready to call it a night waiting for Christina to come home she is out with
her friend I miss her at the moment and my Guinea pigs are all sleeping :(

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