Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cold out

Today was very cold felt like knifes stabbing your throat the weather makes no sense this year!!

Me and Christina went to Aunt Bella's today and had pasta its always very affordable and has great service they always doing fun seasonal contests this time it was themed with mini peppermint candy canes so you guess a number oh how many mini candy canes are in a jar you put your guess on a paper with your email if you guess right or close to the number you win so I guessed 88 when Christina went up to guess she also unattended guessed 88 ha funny we both picked the same number:)

Also we went grocery shopping today papaya is very affordable and when I got home I sliced into one and found a star shape inside how special:)
Also got red peppers and raisins for the guinea pigs we give them raisins one at a time twice a week as a treat but they get red pepper all the time to give them a boost of vitamin c yay:)

Here is some photos from today enjoy!!

Snuck a photo of Christina slurping her spaghetti:oO

Christina enjoys Hot bread and butter:)

Billye enjoys getting spaghetti sauce on his sweater:)

Star papaya

Christina ear

Some really Awesome new graffiti mural on the q54 route

Lazy in the apartment

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