Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 2013

Since December we have been dealing with a mystery illness or injury to our 3 1/2 year old Guinea pig Omelet
his weight and appetite declined over the last two months going from 3 pounds to almost 2 pounds.
We took him to our vet early on but they could find nothing with x rays at all then a bump formed very quickly into size of a grape torward's the end of January so we booked a appointment with an other Doctor at the Avian center on the upper west side where he went under a operation to lance the abscess.
Pus does not form like liquid in Guinea pigs the pus forms like mozzarella so the infection will not respond to antibiotics with out lancing Omelets infection was internal maybe hay cut the lining inside the mouth or he bruised his jaw chewing on the metal cage and the tissue died leaving bacteria the chance to infect him we are not so sure but antibiotics are of no help with out opening it up and flushing it out everyday.
He was on two seperate antibiotics Baytril to Sulftrim then we had lab results telling us what culture was infecting him he is on two antibiotics Chlorampheniconl and Flagyl.
We now have Omelet's sutures removed and the hole in his neck that was open for flushing is closing it will be along time before we get him to 3lbs again but he is back to being himself I love Omelet he is tough and been a great pet through this whole ordeal. 

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