Saturday, October 13, 2012

Billye below 40 degrees

Hello its the month of October and Halloween seems to not be so much my favorite holiday anymore The lack of creativity really gets to me. I do not see so many people handcrafting there decor for the exterior of their homes and costumes are all made in china shipped into New york and put into temporary store set up for the masses so bum hum bug yeah its not Christmas as of yet but I will say bum humbug cause you can find Christmas trees already next to the aisle at Kmart.

I have been working much more this month and have taken on a new job running a small burger kiosk in a restaurant running the line is natural for me. I'm building my speed on prep taking on new recipes is teaching me alot. Also I continue to work at my Hotel job and have taken on every other Saturdays shifts leaving me two days off a month.

All my Guinea pigs are healthy
Truffle and Dexter come and goto Laura's every month we trade and I bring home Archie for a month he is a giant white Guinea pig he is sweet and wild and very intelligent.
Gravy is over a year old now and has put on weight Gravy came from a pet store that was underfeeding him and not treating him from a Upper Respiratory Infection that would of killed him in few days. He is was a good investment everyday he reminds us when to feed him 8am and 9pm he weeeeks very loud and yells at you his internal clock is awesome also Gravy is best friends with Omelet.
Omelet is our alpha male pig and he has a very curious intelligence he responds to his name and likes to put on a show for attention he is a daredevil and loves to sleep on your lap then there is Dumbo he is quiet not needy does not over eat and is organized in his cage he is sweet he is not a lap pig but he will come up and lay next to your leg or a stuff dolled he is sweet like that.
Truffle is wild since Dexter has came into his life Truffle overcame passing bladderstone's instead of surgery he passed them on his own and is still alive and healthy guinea pigs get stones from to much calcium from pet store food or it is genetic. We order KleenMama pellets from a place in Washington state for our pigs since they have been on this food they love it there healthy and no bladderstones.
But back to Truffle when he came ill baby dexter was his friend but we rehomed dexter cause I had no
time for him dealing with Sick Truffle took a month of handfeeding him vet trips and lots of research
and time to save his life. The home that Dexter went was Laura she owns Guinea pigs and has more experience and time with Guinea pigs.
So over time Truffle and Dexter had playdates and now are best friends Truffle loves dexter a little to much he is always cleaning Dexters ears.

that is my update for now:)

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