Thursday, May 3, 2012


Well here is an update our Guinea pigs are in good spirits and health besides Gravy we had to put him back on Baytril this week his nose became runny again :( I hope this time around the Baytril will take care of his upper respiratory infection and that he will not have to make a second trip to the vet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed all our other pigs have not caught his infection and knowing he came from a pet store neglected makes it hard to rule out why he has a stubborn upper respiratory infection. Other news this week we found flour beetles living in our Kleen Mama pellets that we feed our pets they are harmless a little bigger then fleas but was very annoying to clean my apartment and have to throw pet food out. We have a friend that gave us some more Kleen Mama till we get our next order of Kleen mama we get our food from a place in Washington state so the food is inexpensive and the shipping is high :( Good thing we had BEETLES AND NOT BED BUGS, LICE OR ROACHS!! After picking up pellets from our friend I walked over to the Union Square market and got fresh red mustard greens and apples these were treats for the pets they all like red mustard greens besides truffle still has mixed feelings about the red mustard greens. I'm on a mini vacation this week and have racked up my vacation time at work and took thursday and friday off paid I'm still working the hotel job but I do not have to be a line cook till next monday so it's nice cause I'm feeling very soar all over from standing getting back pain alot. Other things going on I need to get back on a diet this week thought about tattooing you are fat do something about it on my arm just to remind me to do it I dont talk about my weight so much but I need to lose 2lbs a month thats 24lbs a year also I'm scared out of my mind do not want diabetes but my chances are above %50 of getting it and I'm prediabetic now:( well this is my update for now!!

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