Saturday, April 14, 2012


Been keeping busy this month and just took on a new task at hand but its for the good of an other living thing.

I went by Petland at 14th St on Easter Sunday to browse the pet store and happen to come across a really beautiful guinea pig he is a peruvian,agouti mix I decided to pick him up and he was easy to handle I felt a bond with him but he had a very snotty nose and made some boogies on my arm so the red flag went up.

The girl helping me out kept calling him a rabbit she did not have a clue about animals.
So I pointed out to her he had a Upper Respiratory Infection and was sick.

She said the guinea pig would be sent back to the warehouse I was sad and confused about taking him home and decided not to that day on the way out I mentioned it to the manager who look like he could give 2 shits!!

But I was thinking about him and went back Wednesday to pick him up if still there to my surprise he was still there sick he was eating and drinking and pooping but still his breathing got very heavy.

So I purchased him and got enough money up to take him to my vet clinic over at vinegar hill to get a check up I started him on Sulfatrim before the vet appointment but they put him on Baytril.

He had a very healthy appetite on the day I purchased him but his appetite declined the last few days I think it's the Baytril but he needs to get over his URI infection so I have been hand feeding him critical care.

I do not know much about his age or him but today he is acting very surprised
off and on he just jumped off my lap today I caught him with my feet so he avoided a nasty fall.

Also he seems to be owned by someone else so I m thinking he was dumped in the store
or the store took him in and resold him.

He is only 2lbs now and I think he is around 2-3 years old ??

Well his name is Gravy my boss Anne who is awesome and let him stay at the hotel during my work shift named him we like food names also he is gray a cavie and Gravy works for him but if you compare him to Einstein they look alike and here is some photos below:)

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