Saturday, January 5, 2013


2013 is here and I've been busy with a sick guinea pig Omelet who has some kinda mouth pain
since December 24th he now has been to the vet twice and has a clean bill of health even had Xrays taken showing no signs of illness Omelet is 3 and half years old and the alpha male in the pack of boars aka guinea pig males we own. So Omelet must of injured his mouth  by chewing the cage  bars when our pig Truffle came to visit us for a week around Christmas. Omelet non stopped chewed on the bars thinking he can get to Truffle.
We did come up with a solution for when the guinea pigs chew the metal we rub a lemon on the cage and they run off disgusted of the lemon.
So all this hand feeding and being worried he has had some improvement in the water bottle and eating department just he dropped a few ounces and we want him to put  the weight back on and you really can not get fat on leafy greens.
Also Truffle before December 24th had some very small bladder stones come back but I'm confident the diet, herbs and lots of water flushed the stones out.because when left on Christmas he was a normal truffle.
Archie is an other male guinea pig we look after and he does not like drinking from the water bottle
so I have to give him produce but the last few days I have been getting him interested in the water bottle he is healthy and one crazy wild pig.
Dumbo is doing well also Gravy is doing great so hope to a good year of health to our pets:)

Things I will do in 2013
Vivi best bubble tea in New York hands down
Practice recipes from my 1000 Chinese recipe cook book
Get subscriptions to magazines I read to save $$
Be nicer to the girlfriend I do not know how she puts up with me lol
Cook more meals instead of eating out and cut back on sugar
Find a new job where I can improve myself and learn new things
Spend more time my guinea pigs